- EUROPA http://www.europa.eu/
- People The Delegation of the European Commission to the R.O.K http://www.delkor.ec.europa.eu/
- People EUCCK - European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea http://www.eucck.org/
주한 EU국가 대사관
- Royal Netherlands Embassy in Korea http://southkorea.nlembassy.org/
- PeopleRoyal Danish Embassy in Korea http://www.ambseoul.um.dk/ko
- PeopleEmbassy of Germany in Korea http://www.seoul.diplo.de/Vertretung/seoul/ko/Startseite.html
- PeopleEmbassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Korea http://www.belgium.or.kr/
- PeopleEmbassy of Sweden in Korea http://www.swedenabroad.com/Start____19043.aspx
- PeopleEmbassy of Spain in Korea http://www.maec.es/subwebs/Embajadas/Seul/co/
- PeopleThe British Embassy in Korea http://ukinkorea.fco.gov.uk/ko/
- PeopleEmbassy of the Republic of Austria in Korea http://www.bmeia.gv.at/kr/botschaft/seoul.html
- PeopleEmbassy of Finland in Korea http://www.finland.or.kr/
- PeopleEmbassy of France in Korea http://www.ambafrance-kr.org/
- PeopleEmbassy of the Italian Fepublic in Korea http://www.ambseoul.esteri.it/
- PeopleEmbassy of the Czech Republic in Korea http://www.mzv.cz/seoul
- PeopleEmbassy of the Republic of Poland in Korea http://www.seul.polemb.net/
- PeopleEmbassy of Romania in Korea http://coreea-romania.com/roembass.htm
- PeopleAusNZ Europe Research Hub http://ausnz-europe-hub.com/other-centres